14 de noviembre de 2007

Philosophy and Practice, A Two Headed Judge Article

Este artículo no pertenece a César Fernández, está extraido exclusivamente de http://www.magicthegathering.com/.

Podeis encontrar un enlace a Philosophy and Practice aquí.

Se trata de un gran artículo, en cuanto a longitud y calidad, por dos de los jueces de la DCI más importantes del mundo. Me es imposible traducirlo debido a su enorme longitud, así que os deseo suerte con vuestro inglés, y a los que no se animen en inglés, podeis encontrar un buen traductor en http://www.online-translator.com/

Seguidamente os dejo la introducción y de nuevo un enlace. A todos aquellos que deseeis conocer con profundidad los entresijos del arbitraje o desean ser árbitros, o ya sean jueces de la DCI, éste artículo os vendrá de perlas. Disfrutadlo!!

Philosophy and Practice, by Sheldon Menery and Toby Elliott

Almost as long as there has been a tournament Magic scene, there has been a judge program. There are many, many moving parts to the program. Why those parts move the way they do, not to mention how, is driven by a few relatively straightforward philosophies. We've put our heads together to discuss for you both why we do things the way we do, and how these philosophies are implemented.

Sheldon, With the Whys

I'm going to talk about the raw philosophy of what we do, where those philosophies come from, and why they're important to us. You'll see the themes of fairness and integrity repeated quite often.
From the top of the program on down, everything is driven by philosophy—from how we staff Pro Tours to how we rule at
Friday Night Magic. Here, we'll cover the ones that are likely to most directly affect you, the player. I'll talk first about a few judging metaphilosophies and a few other philosophies that drive how we come to rulings.
An important point is that in addition to expecting a great deal from our judges and staff, we expect quite a bit from the players. Players have a huge responsibility in keeping themselves and their opponents on track.

Toby, With the Hows

It's all very well to talk philosophy, but philosophies must be backed up by action. Over the past year we have been making changes within the judge program to allow it to better carry the torch of our philosophies, and will continue doing so into the future. I'll be talking about the concrete steps we're actually taking to make this happen.
It is important to remember that much of this is still in primitive form—in order to even discuss the philosophies, we need to define the language. Other parts are further along in their development, but we're constantly reevaluating how things are going, and the newer policies are being evaluated more aggressively as we find ways to improve them. It's much like an earthquake: the initial shock is large, but there are also aftershocks that slowly subside.

Os recuerdo de nuevo, que el artículo continúa en el siguiente link:

Philosophy and Practice by, Sheldon Menery and Toby Elliot

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